Legal notice

Website and content

<> is a Latitud 42 SL website. This website offers news and information content and company services and tries to ensure that the information is up-to-date and accurate and therefore reserves the right to both update and remove the content of the site, as well as to limit and prevent access, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice. Latitud 42 SL has its headquarters at calle González Tablas, 11, B4, 3-2, 08034, Barcelona, Spain. Its NIF is B-59900183. 

Disclaimer of content

Latitud 42 SL cannot guarantee that access to the website <> and its content will be free of errors, or that it will be fully updated, although it invests the necessary effort to avoid errors and correct them and do so as soon as possible. possible each time they are notified to you.
Latitud 42 SL is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the content, information or images that are not part of its website <> or are not managed by Latitud 42 SL. Nor is it responsible for damages or losses that may arise from content created by unauthorized third parties, without prejudice to the terms established in current laws.
Latitud 42 SL is not responsible for the information, opinions and concepts that are issued, published or distributed through any other website connected through links to the website of Latitud 42 SL <>, or of anyone of the services that are linked or related on the site connected to Latitud42.

Disclaimer for the use or operation of the website

The responsibility of the use of the information contained in the site <> lies with the user. Latitud 42 SL shall not be held liable for damages of any kind that may arise from the access, capture and use by third parties of the information and advertising contained in the site <> and of the opinions provided by users in it.
Latitud 42 SL provides its services and content with all the technical means at its disposal to carry out this provision in a satisfactory way. Latitud 42 SL is not responsible for damages of any nature that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the operation of the website <>. In any case, Latitud 42 SL will carry out all necessary actions to restore its services in the event of technical problems.

Website terms of use and conditions

The use of the website of Latitud 42 SL <> confers the status of site user(hereinafter the user) and implies the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice .
The Latitud 42 SL website <> can be freely visited by users, who undertake to use its contents and services in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice.
The links contained in this website may lead the user to other sites or web pages managed by Latitud 42 SL for which Latitud 42 SL is fully responsible, but Latitud 42 SL is not responsible for those managed by third parties, over which it has no controlLatitud 42 SL is not responsible for the content or the status of the links to other websites managed by third parties, and access to them through <> does not imply that it recommends or approves their content.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content and graphic elements that are part of the website disseminated through it, are the exclusive property of Latitud 42 SL and its authors, and are considered protected works in accordance with the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, the international treaties signed on the matter being equally applicable.
However, the reproduction of the website content is authorized as long as the source is mentioned, and unless otherwise indicated. In those cases in which a prior authorization is necessary for the reproduction or use of text or multimedia data (sounds, images, programs, etc.), this authorization will render the aforementioned general authorization without effect and any restrictions on use shall be clearly indicatedThe following are not authorized under any circumstances:

¥ The presentation of a page of the website <> in a window that does not belong to Latitud 42 SL by means of framing.
¥ The insertion of an image published on the website <> on a page other than Latitud 42 SL using the technique called in line linking or broadband theft.
¥ The extraction of elements from the website <> causing damage to Latitud 42 SL according to current provisions.
¥ A link to the website <> from a gambling or gaming or pornography website
¥ A link to the website <> from any site that violates the law.
The trademarks or distinctive signs, logos and, in general, distinctive symbols of any nature that appear on the <> site are the property of Latitud 42 SL and are protected by current applicable legislation.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish Legislation. The Spanish courts of justice and courts are only relevant in case of controversy over the interpretation, application and compliance with said Legal Notice. The user, by accepting the conditions previously established in this Legal Notice, expressly waives any other jurisdiction that, in accordance with current law, may correspond to him/her. In all cases, if the legislation allows the user to submit to a different jurisdiction, the user voluntarily acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.

Cookies policy

The information that we specify below is the one referring to the "Cookies Policy" that will always be available on the Latitud 42 SL website <> and accessible through a link on all pages inserted in the text "Policy Cookies ”.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit any web page. Its usefulness is that the web is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content customization, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of the cookie is to adapt the content of the web to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly impaired.
Latitud 42 SL, as owner of the website <>, assures you that no personal information from cookies is used, only general statistics of visits.
Cookies used on this website:
Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to detail the use of cookies made by this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible.
This website uses the following cookies:
¥ Session: To avoid having to identify yourself every time you interact with the website, unless you have closed the browser and reopened it.
This website uses the following third-party cookies:
¥ Google Analytics: Cookies are stored to be able to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of your information by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any right in this regard should be done by communicating directly with Google.
¥ Social networks: Each social network uses its own cookies so that you can click on "Like" or "Share" buttons.
The cookies used on this website do not collect personal data.
Deactivation or deletion of cookies
At any time you can exercise your right to deactivate or delete cookies from this website. This will prevent cookies from being stored in your browser. These actions are performed differently depending on the browser you are using:
¥ Mozilla Firefox
¥ Google Chrome
¥ Internet Explorer
¥ Safari
¥ Opera
Additional notes
¥ Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the veracity of the privacy policies that the third parties mentioned in the Privacy Policy may have.
¥ Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and it is there that you must exercise your right to eliminate or deactivate them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.
¥ In some cases it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision not to accept them.
¥ In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and undertakes not to share them with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the operation of the system or when required by law. According to Google, your IP address is not stored Google Inc. is a company adhered to the Safe Harbor Agreement that guarantees that all transferred data will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations. You can find information on the use Google gives to cookies in this link.
¥ For any questions or queries about this cookie policy, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact section.
The Cookies Policy was last updated on December 28, 2019.

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